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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Six Weeks of Swim (Coming Soon)

Sweet Mollie and I sporting our one-pieces at the pool last summer
Hey y'all! School finally got out this week and I am beyond excited that summer has finally arrived. Time for sleeping in, traveling, Sonic runs, and 90º temperatures everyday. Of course the only thing one can do when it's that hot outside is hit up their local swimming pool or beach!

Modesty in the summertime is a struggle for most girls including myself. It's hard to know how much skin is too much, if something is too tight, too short, or too revealing. I personally believe God does not have a specific set of standards for what we as Christian women can and cannot wear. For each person, the scale of modesty is different. I think it's just as important how we carry ourselves in what we are wearing as it is the outfit itself. A woman could be dressed in a long black skirt and a turtleneck, but if she flaunts and carries herself in an impure way, trying to get attention from men, there's no point to her 'modest' attire.

When we as daughters of the King dress modestly, especially at the beach or pool, we will be set apart. We stand out from the others running around in skimpy string bikinis. Because we are better than them? No, not at all. It is because we have respect for ourselves, for the men around us, and modesty is the path God has called us to. We don't cover ourselves because we are ashamed of our bodies, but because we were bought at a price.

I'm reminded of Francesca Battistelli's song 'Unusual.' Here are a few of the lyrics:

{Everybody laughed at you
For doing what you're supposed to do
Standing up for what is true
Got your feelings hurt tonight
You must be doing something right

...You wear your faith just like a light
I'd say you're doing something right

...Standing up for Jesus' name
Just let them call you strange
I call you brave, unique and set apart
A masterpiece, a work of art
Living out what you believe
Being who you're made to be
I love to see the way that you are so

I know it can be difficult sometimes making decisions about what to wear and how strict you will be with your wardrobe, but being modest doesn't mean you have to sacrifice dressing cute! Stay tuned over the next few weeks to see six different suits I've chosen to prove that modest is hottest!!!

His Biblical Beauty,

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