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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lecrae Workout

Hi y'all! I hope your spring is as lovely and springy as mine has been so far!! I finished up my dance recital last weekend and am commitment-free of basically everything throughout the entire month of May. It seems like I have been waiting for this break forever...

With the beautiful weather we've been having around here, I've gotten into the habit of exercising outside. Cardio has never been my favorite, but I've made the decision to go out for cross country next year (stay tuned to see how that goes!) and figured I'd better start running if I don't want to die this fall.

Music is the prime source of my motivation while working out and helps me stay focused. One of my favorite Christian artists to listen to while exercising is Lecrae. In a world where rap music is centered around drugs, money, alcohol, and sex, Lecrae has completely changed the game by rapping about love, family, and God. And it's an understatement to say he's been extremely successful.

For each song, I distinguished a certain exercise with a part in the song. For example, during the 'Bridge' of the song, you might run in place or do push-ups. A couple of the verses were too long to do the same exercise, so I split them in half. You may choose to switch to the second exercise whenever you wish during that verse. Now it's time to get Lecraezy!!!

Warm Up: 'Tell the World'
Jumping Jacks - Intro
High Knees - Verse 1
3 Rotate Knee - Verse 1
Side Twists Jumps - Pre-Chorus
Jumping Jacks - Chorus
Butt Kicks - Verse 2
3 Rotate Knee - Verse 2
Side Twists Jumps - Pre-Chorus
Jumping Jacks - Chorus

1. Jumping Jacks - Jump with your legs out and swing your arms above your head, then jump with your feet back together and slap arms by your sides.

2. High Knees - Jump and bring one knee up to a 90º angle and alternate.

3. 3-Rotate Knee - Bend your knees slightly and rotate your torso three times. On the third rotate, bring up your knee.

4. Side Jump Twists - Jump from side to side and rotate torso, keeping shoulders facing forward.

5. Butt Kicks - Alternate legs kicking your behind.

Arms: 'Ready or Not' (This one is kind of cheating because it's sung by Britt Nicole, but Lecrae does a great job in it too!)
Tricep Dips - Verse 1
Arm Pulses - Chorus
Punches - Verse 2
Pushups - Bridge
Arm Pulses - Chorus

1. Tricep Dips - Keep your body off of the ground and bend and straighten your elbows, working your triceps.

2. Arm Pulses - Bend your arms in a 90º angle (like a box) and pulse up and down. You can also switch arms to face downward and pulse up.

3. Punches - Bend your legs slightly and alternate punches forward as fast and strong as you can.

4. Push-Ups - In a plank position, keep your body straight and lower your body down until your arms are bent in a 90º angle. Return to starting position and straighten arms.

Abs: 'I'm Turnt'
Crunches - Verse 1
Russian Twists - Pre-Chorus
Leg Lifts (V-Ups for challenge) - Chorus
Plank - Verse 2
Russian Twists - Pre-Chorus
Leg Lifts (V-Ups for challenge) - Chorus
Crunches - Continue through end

1. Crunches - Lay on the ground with hands behind your head and bent knees. Tighten your abs and lift your head and shoulders off of the ground, then lay back down and repeat.

2. Russian Twists - Sit on the ground and lean slightly back with your feet off the ground. Move arms and twist torso from side to side, only moving your upper body.

3. Leg Lifts - Lay on the ground and raise one leg straight up, keeping them both off the ground (the other one should be hovering a few inches above the ground). Alternate bringing one leg up and lowering the other one at the same time.

3. V-Ups - Start laying completely on the ground and bring up your legs and torso, bending in half. Keep arms straight in front of you and don't bend your knees.

4. Plank - Start by laying on your stomach and rest your weight on your forearms. Raise your body off the ground into a straight line and engage all of your muscles. Be sure to look up and straight ahead!

Behind: 'Dum Dum'
Jump Squats - Intro
Side Shuffles - Verse 1
Glute Raises - Chorus
Regular Squats - Verse 2
Glute Raises - Chorus
Kick Lunges - Bridge
Glute Raises - Continue through end

1. Jump Squats - Start with feed hip-width apart and perform a normal squat. Before standing back up, explode and jump as high as you can.

2. Side Shuffles - Bend your legs and shuffle to the side in small, quick steps. When you reach a certain point, lower one of your hands to touch the mark and shuffle the other way. (Also known as defensive slides)

4. Glute Raises - Lay on the ground with your knees bend and legs as close to your rear as you can bring them in. Raise your behind and abdomen as high as you can get them and lower back on the ground.

5. Regular Squats - Stand with feet hip-width apart and bend your legs as deep as you can as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your back, chest, and shoulders upright.

6. Lunges -  Take a step forward and lower your hips until both legs are in about a 90º angle. Don't let your back knee touch the floor and push on your back leg back to a standing position. Alternate the leg you step forward with.

Legs: 'Don't Waste Your Life'
Calf Raises - Verse
Flutter Kicks -
Leg Flexes - Chorus
Inner Thigh Beats - Verse 2
Inner Thigh Pulses -
Leg Flexes -
Calf Raises through end

1. Calf Raises - From a standing position, place hands on hips and raise up on your toes as high as you can. Lower feet back to the floor and repeat.

2. Flutter Kicks - Lay on the ground and raise both legs slightly above the ground. Flutter both feet up and down quickly but don't let them touch the ground, engaging all muscles.

3. Leg Flexes - Laying on your back, raise one leg straight in the air and the other one bent. Flex your feet and legs as hard as you can and switch one leg from being straight to bent, using resistance as well.

4. Inner Thigh Beats - Lay on your back again and straighten both legs. Bring one foot right in front of the other and switch rapidly.

5. Inner Thigh Pulses - Position yourself on your side with one leg bent over the top of the other. Keep the bottom leg straight and pulse up and down, not letting it touch the ground. Switch to other side.

6. Lunges - Take a step forward and lower your hips until both legs are in about a 90º angle. Don't let your back knee touch the floor and push on your back leg back to a standing position. Alternate the leg you step forward with.

Cool Down: 'All I Need is You'
Don't forget to cool down and stretch before you hit the shower!! A cool glass of chocolate milk is a great post-workout drink ;)

I believe God created each and every one of us with a different body shape and we are all beautiful because we are made in His image!!! I also believe it's sooooo important to take care of our bodies by eating healthy foods and exercising often. 1 Corinthians 16:19-20 says "Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body." Our body is a home to Christ and it's our job to keep it healthy exactly like God created it to be :)

His Biblical Beauty,

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