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Sunday, August 17, 2014

California Vacation 2014

Hey all! It's time for me to sit down and tell you about my last summer adventure. My dad won a trip earlier this summer to Costa Rica (you can read about it here) He also won a trip to Orange County, California!! So on August 4, we packed our bags and were on our way to the golden state.

I have always dreamed of visiting California (who hasn't?!) The Christy Miller book series takes place in Newport Beach, one of my favorite Hawk Nelson songs is called "California", Disneyland, the beach - let's face it, all of my favorite things were pointing me here. It definitely wasn't a disappointment!!!

Because of all my recent travels this summer, getting on an airplane felt like a normal routine. I still get a thrill when the plane takes off and I get to see God's gorgeous creation from 30,000 feet in the air.

Airport shenanigans
We made it to our hotel at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The first thing we did was go to the beach. The waves were pretty crazy and we were told it was because of the hurricane in Hawaii. Being the clumsy girl that I am, I was taken under the waves several times and ended up with a bloody nose within the first 20 minutes of swimming. Typical Paige...

Being in the ocean wears you out, so you can imagine how delighted I was when we came back to a huge catered dinner for the Allstate agents. For breakfast and lunch each day we had tables set up for us with gobs of food. Soups, breads, fruits and veggies, meats, omlets, desserts, any food you can imagine! After stuffing ourselves with clam chowder and chocolate cake, we all showered and went to bed.

The next morning after breakfast we took a trolley and headed into Laguna Beach. The shopping was amazing! I managed to get a pair of crazy pants, some wall art and a bag full of saltwater taffy. I think more than anything I just loved the character of the town (In case you were wondering, it's nothing like the MTV show Laguna Beach). 

We went down to the actual beach in the afternoon to swim some more and yes, I got my second bloody nose of the trip. While we were swimming, Emma and I met two brothers from the San Francisco area who were really fun to hang around. The coolest part was that they were Christians! We were able to have a great discussion about high school and our faith. There's such a connection Christians have with each other that I think is amazing, even if you've just met. We're all a big family as children of God and brothers and sisters in Christ!!!!!

That evening, my parents had an Allstate dinner for adults only so Emma and I grabbed dinner in the hotel and settled down for a fun evening of Netflix. My lucky mom and dad got to see Aerosmith in concert! Although I joked with them about being jealous, they do so much for me and I'm happy they were able to experience that together.

While my parents were busy being beautiful people...

Emma and I were busy being silly

Wednesday morning was an early one, but we had traffic to beat...we were Disneyland bound!

Guys, I am a Disney freak.

You have no idea.

And my love for Disney has never been stronger than it is now.

I went to Disneyworld when I was six, but haven't been back to a Disney resort since. So needless to say, I was pumped. 

Getting into the park around 10:30ish, I felt like a kid in a candy store. I couldn't stop smiling! First, we went to pick up a FastPass and ride Splash Mountain. That was probably my favorite ride!! 

We walked through all of the areas of the park and I can't even remember everything we saw! I was able to buy a Chip teacup (Beauty and the Beast) for my collection. Then, we rode the Peter Pan ride, Winnie the Pooh, It's a Small World (one of my favs), King Arthur's Carousel, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Haunted Mansion. Let me tell you, that one was an experience! I can't handle scary movies, I don't like Halloween and that proved I cannot even handle a "scary" Disney ride that five-year-olds were loving. Don't believe me? I was singing hymns the whole ride ;) 

We were also able to walk inside of Sleeping Beauty's Castle and Tarzan's Treehouse. Finishing off the perfect day with a bang, we watched the beautiful fireworks while sipping our Starbucks. I am truly blessed.

Thursday was our most laid back day. My dad played golf with his work friends in the morning while Emma and I took surfing lessons at Laguna Beach! Our instructor named Mr. Goff was one of the most rad people I've ever met! He definitely looked like a surfer. Goff was extremely encouraging but pushed you at the same time. Our lesson was for two hours and we both managed to stand up on our boards and ride a few waves to shore! I love surfing and hope to do it again.

Later that evening we had a dinner cruise that Allstate put on for all of the agents and their guests. Did I mention it was on a yacht? The food was fabulous and it was so fun to experience an evening on the water, it's not really everyday that we go boating on yachts ;)

I fell in love with California and have yet again left a piece of my heart somewhere else on this planet. I am amazed at the incredible summer I've had and all of the opportunities The Lord has given me. Summer 2014 is one I will never forget, and I can't wait to see what is in store for me this fall.

His Biblical Beauty,

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