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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Take Time to Refocus

School has started and we have settled down into a routine once more. This can be a good thing, but can tend to lose our "fire" and passion for God that we had time to develop and nurture over the summer. Even though we may not have as much time devoted to growing our relationship with The Lord, it doesn't mean it has to suffer. What do I recommend? Setting aside time at the beginning and end of your day to refocus.

Time to declare to God "I'm here and willing to serve; use me!"

Time to desperately pray for a loved one who is sick.

Or simply time to thank Jesus for all that He's done for you.

God gave us all different looks, different personalities, different lifestyles and different styles of worship. For example, someone might connect to The Lord by hearing a powerful sermon. Another person might hear God's voice as they are writing poems about His love. I personally am overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit's presence while listening to worship music. I started getting up for school 20 minutes early so I could have time to pray and start off my day right. I am one of the busiest people I know, so I promise you can fit it into your schedule whether it's 10 minutes or an hour. Here are some ideas for spending quiet time with God:

Listen to worship music
Read your bible
Start a prayer journal
Listen to a sermon
Read a daily devotional
Pray on your knees and focus as hard as you can
Write poetry
Go on a quiet bike ride

I believe reading your bible should be one of the biggest priorities in your day. I would get out my bible for church and youth group, but it went back in the same spot until the next Wednesday or Sunday rolled around. One of my favorite things about the bible is that it has something for everyone! Action, drama, romance, comedy....and eternal salvation. 

"He says, 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.'” -Psalm 46:10

His Biblical Beauty,


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