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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Back to School, New Perspective

Well Biblical Beauties, August has finally come and it's time to go back to school. Most kids are dreading it while most parents are anticipating it. I don't mind school, but who really wants summer to end? In light of all the heavy things going on in the world lately, I have decided to approach the upcoming school year differently.

A couple of weeks ago I was reading my devotional written by Susie Shellenberger and Kristin Weber (I highly recommend this book to all teenage girls!!! I love my copy) and the topic was praying for persecuted Christians. It was something I had thought about before, but not deeply. After all, it's hard to imagine when we are blessed to live in a country where we can worship our Father freely! Hearing news of what has been going on in Syria, Iraq and other countries around the world breaks my heart. The fact that children's futures are being stolen from them and faithful Christians are being tortured in horrendous ways just doesn't seem fair, does it? We take so many things for granted each day. Going to church every Sunday becomes a habit. Instead of listening to what your pastor has to say, you're thinking about your plans for the rest of the week. You start to grumble to yourself because the worship team is singing too many songs and your legs are tired from standing. It's the little things we don't appreciate, but what if it was all taken away?

There's lots of kids who joke about how they would love for their school to be blown away by a tornado or for something drastic to happen so they wouldn't have to go anymore. I'm not saying joking around is a bad thing, I do it all the time! But if you really stop and think about what you're saying and how you would feel if it actually did happen, I'm sure you wouldn't think it was all that funny after all. What if a group of strangers came in and said you weren't allowed to go to school anymore? I'm sure your initial reaction would be "Wow, these people are my heros!" Until you find out they're making you leave the country, or worse - taking you to be killed because you had a bible with you.

This is the reality for many Christians all over the globe. They are fighting for their faith each day, praying with all their strength asking God to spare their lives. Honestly, if someone approached you with a gun pointed at your head asking if you were a Christian, would you have the faith and strength to say yes?

Luckily, this is something we don't usually have to deal with in the United States on a day to day basis. I believe God has placed me in a country where I can worship Him freely so I may strengthen my faith before I go out to put it to the test. So this year, I am challenging myself and all of you to live your life for Christ. Don't be afraid to tell others about Jesus, His love and what He did for you. We live for Him because He died for us. Pray for those being persecuted. Do everything to the best of your abilities and put 100% into everything you do, whether it be school, work or sports. Do it for those who can't. Because someday, we might be put in that same position.

"But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten." -Jeremiah 20:11

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if working for the Lord." -Colossians 3:23

His Biblical Beauty,

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