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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Six Weeks of Swim: Week Six

Suit: Beverly Swimwear
Hello Biblical Beauties, can you believe that this is the last week for Six Weeks of Swim?! Summer has flown by. I've spent this past week packing for my three week adventure, which has actually begun by now! Stay tuned to my Facebook page for updates over the next few weeks.

In celebration of the Fourth of July and this beautiful country we call home, I snagged this swimsuit from Beverly Swimwear. Bev Swim was another company I found through Instagram and they have it all: high-waisted bikinis, tankinis, and one pieces - all of which flatter every shape and size. Designed to actually swim in, these suits are comfortable, good quality, and made right here in the USA.

Thank you all for your love and support! Please keep me in your prayers as I embark on this incredible journey and continue to pray for our men and women who fight each and every day for our freedom. It is those who serve that give kids like me the opportunity to pursue my dreams. You are AMAZING!

Missed the past few weeks of Six Weeks of Swim? No problem! Go check out the hashtag #hbbswim for more cute suits!!

His Biblical Beauty,

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