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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pi(e) Day! 3.14.15

*This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links.
Dress: ModCloth Shoes: ModCloth
Hey y'all! It seems I've been in hibernation the past few weeks. After Daughters of the King, I crashed and got the flu for a week. I spend the next five days frantically trying to catch up on schoolwork before spring break (thank goodness for grace!)

A while back, I wrote about celebrating Mole Day in Chemistry at school and shared a recipe for Chocolate Caramole Cake. Somehow, mixing food with learning makes school a lot more bearable ;)

Today happens to be Pi Day! I take Algebra II in school and we celebrated Pi Day eve yesterday. So naturally, I had to order this adorable pie dress from ModCloth!! I've been in love with it ever since I first laid my eyes on it, but it took a little nudge of this sweet holiday for me to make the purchase. It fits like a glove and I love all of the layers underneath that gives it a little extra 'poof'! Pair it with a cute pair of sneakers and you've whisked yourself back to the 1950s. Living in a world gone plastic, you'll be looking classic.

What's your favorite kind of pie? :)

His Biblical Beauty,

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