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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Testimony Tuesday: Sarah

*This is a new segment on my blog I am excited to introduce! I was able to meet Sarah when she transferred schools, and we have become best friends! If you are interested in sharing how God has impacted your life, feel free to contact me.

My name is Sarah and I was lost.

I'm a teenage girl who has grown up in a Christian home all her life. Going to church three times a week and being actively involved, I have always been labeled as a "goody goody" pastor's daughter. Although church is a great place to get closer to the Lord and fellowship with others, I don't believe attending makes you a Christian. That's why when I was seven years old, I accepted Christ into my heart and started to live my life for Him.

Beginning my freshman year of high school I was approached by unkind people who wanted to break my spirit and I wasn't sure why. I was confused why God was putting me through this, after all I had obeyed and loved Him all my life! I began to blame all of my problems on God, not realizing he wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle. I faced pressures from others trying to sway my beliefs and kill my values. These came from bad influences through friendships and relationships. I started to notice my passion for Jesus dwindling and knew there was a serious problem. After the first semester I was given the opportunity to transfer schools, which soon blossomed into a blessing. I have been able to meet other Christians who are pursuing God just like I am! Since this transition, I've noticed my faith has strengthened and my joy has overflowed.

Being a teenager in high school will never be easy. Life will never be easy, if I said it was I would be lying! You will face problems and temptations, challenges and uncomfortable situations, but God will be right there by your side the whole time. Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." I can reassure you that I am nowhere near perfect. There have been times I have strayed so far from God I thought for sure I was lost. After all, a God so magnificent doesn't have time to waste on me! Fortunately, I was proven wrong. He fought long and hard and one day, finally found me. God told me not only am I forgiven, not only am I loved but I am HIS CHILD! Let me tell you a're His child too. Stop running away from Jesus and return home. He will welcome you, his beloved child, with open arms.

My name is Sarah and I have been found.

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