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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Royal Announcement!

I am very excited to announce a new adventure I will be embarking on this year! I am going to compete as a member of the Miss Kansas' Outstanding Teen Pageant.

I know what you're thinking.

And no, I don't need someone else to judge my beauty, I'm not looking for attention and I am not going to walk around a stage flaunting myself in a bikini.

This pageant is different.

MKOT is focused on the beauty of the heart. It values community service, physical fitness, interview skills and a young woman's passion to change the world. By participating in this pageant, I will compete in:
  • Talent (I will sing and play the piano)
  • Interview
  • Evening wear (Modesty is hottesty!)
  • Fitness
  • Scholastic
In addition, I will have to write a platform paper and a resume for the judges. Along with this, I am raising money for Miss America's Outstanding Teen's charity, Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. If you would like to donate, you can visit my fundraising website and help me make a difference in the lives of children. Remember, Jesus loves the little children so you should too! ;)

I am so excited to see what God has in store for me through this amazing opportunity! I have already had the chance to meet some great girls who will be going on the journey with me and am eager to see how He will use me. I would appreciate prayers as I am exploring unknown territory and am new to the pageant world.

"You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God." -Isaiah 62:3

His Biblical Beauty,

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