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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Homecoming 2014

Happy homecoming! Where kids dress up like nerds, fireworks are lit in October and alumni return home after decades to visit their high school again. For me it's one of the busiest and most stressful weeks of the year, but it also brings everyone together and draws out the love and pride for your school and community.

During the week, there is a theme each day chosen by the student council for dressing up. This year's themes were nerd day, twin day, thrift shop day, opposite gender day and 'Merica. My best friend Sarah and I dressed up every day for school!

Thursday evening was the parade. High school sports teams, businesses and organizations all made floats and passed out candy. It was a lot colder than usual but we still had fun!

Following the parade, we had a bonfire at the park where the band played and the cheerleaders danced. To finish it off, the football players threw a dummy with the other team's jersey into the fire! The entire community loved watching and cheering; they do a great job supporting us.

Friday was a day jam packed full of activities. (I was sick and stayed home part of the morning, but came in feeling better after a few more hours of sleep.) Alumni from our high school come back and speak about their careers during the morning. After lunch, we have a pep rally featuring the homecoming candidates playing a game and the cheerleaders doing our routine. We have been practicing it for weeks and it was so fun to finally perform it!!

Once that was over, each grade took streamers and balloons to decorate the stadium for the game with the 'Merica theme. Leaving school an hour early was the best part! 

It was one of the chilliest homecoming games I can remember. We beat our opponents 56-21 and performed our routine again at halftime. Dancing in shorts and a tank top in 40º weather is a struggle, but we had fun performing it our last time.

I was also able to see two of my closest friends who were senior cheerleaders last year that came home to visit! I miss them so much and it was so heartwarming to have them home again, even if it was only for a short time.

Instead of going to the homecoming dance after the game and fireworks, I decided to have friends over to hang out, eat and talk. We had an awesome time!

I am so thankful to everyone who came to the parade and supported our team this week! You all rock!!! :D Let's not forget that this is not our true home! Imagine what an amazing homecoming celebration we will have when someday we are all in Heaven with our Heavenly Father...

"Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." -Mark 5:19

His Biblical Beauty,

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