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Friday, June 20, 2014

Desserts by Donation

Hello all! As some of you know, I am going on a mission trip in July to Costa Rica with Big World Ventures and Never the Same Missions. I am so PUMPED! I have never been on a mission trip before but have felt called by the Lord into this particular field. I raised all my funds (praise Jesus!) in 2013 through support letters alone, thank you to everyone who donated!

There was a campaign called 3000 Bibles for Costa Rica that I had a fundraiser for on July 10. It was called 'Desserts by Donation' - a bake sale with no set prices on the desserts. I raised $537.12! That's 179 bibles. I was so overwhelmed and grateful, thanks to everyone who supported me! I even took leftovers to friends the next day and ended up raising $25 more or so.

Please pray for my team and I as we prepare our hearts and minds for the trip, and also for the people of Costa Rica that their hearts would be open to the gospel.

"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation'" - Mark 16:15

His Biblical Beauty,

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