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Monday, June 2, 2014


Well it's my birthday! :) Actually it was two Saturdays ago...but thanks to everyone for all of my birthday wishes!!!!! God has blessed me with the most wonderful people in my life.

I was able to celebrate with everyone this past week and had a blast! The night before my birthday my friends Bailey, Sydney and I went to half-priced apps at Applebee's. 

On my real birthday, my parents and I went to Wichita to go shopping and eat at the Old Mill Tasty Shop. We also saw the movie Million Dollar Arm. It was so much fun to just hang out with my parents!

My huge sandwich at the Old Mill Tasty Shop!
We shopped til we dropped!
On Tuesday, my friend Meghana and I went out to eat at Sumo's! Their garlic fried rice is to die for!!

Then on Thursday, my friends Kayla, Kaitlyn and I went to see the movie The Other Woman and eat dinner at Chipotle! 
Me, Kayla and Kaitlyn at Chipotle

The following Sunday I got to spend with my extended family. After church, I went to lunch at Jimmy's Diner with my mom's side. We went back to their house for cake and presents (which was all money because I have to pay off this new laptop, haha!)

My Grandma and Grandpa Peirce and I
My cousins got creative and made the money into shapes!
My yummy birthday cake :)
Next, we traveled across town to my dad's side of the family! My uncle drives a truck, but I was so happy he was home and I got to see him this weekend.

My Uncle Doug, me and my Grandma Phyllis

My uncle got my mom and I roses dipped in gold! How sweet!!!!!! :)

Mom and I with our gold roses
My two BEST friends Emma, Olivia and I didn't do anything specific because we hang out all the time anyways :) We are going camping together in a few weeks so I am looking forward to that!

Jesus is amazing and I thank Him for the wonderful 15 years He has given me. Thank you again for all of your birthday wishes! God bless you!!

His Biblical Beauty,

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