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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tennis Cupcakes

Spring sports have started even though the weather refuses to warm up!!! Actually, there have been a few nice days lately which I am thankful for. Now if only it would become more consistent!

Isaac's first tennis meet is today, yippee! So of course, I had to make cupcakes...

I used the DC Cupcakes recipe I found on Pinterest. They were super easy and absolutely delicious! He loved them too :)

And of course, the cupcakes weren't cute enough so I had to get liners that matched our school colors.

After I preheated the oven, I put the eggs and milk on the stove to warm them up because they have to be room temperature and I forgot to get them out.

Next, sift the flour, baking powder and salt together.

Beat unsalted butter and sugar in a hand-held mixer or stand mixer until well incorporated and then add eggs one at a time.

The batter tastes just as yummy as the cupcakes. Go ahead, lick the bowl :)

After the cupcakes have cooled, you can go ahead and make the frosting. Measure out the confectioner's sugar and mix it with the butter, milk, vanilla extract and salt.

This is what it looked like before I colored it.

For the green cupcakes, I used AmeriColor's Electric Green.
And ta da!

I also set up a little care package with all his favorite snacks! Strawberry-watermelon gatorade, cheese crackers, crasins and an apple.

 PS: Sorry for the recipe card being so large and awkward. 

Happy tennis season everyone!

His Biblical Beauty,

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