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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Betty's Chocolate Chip Cookies

Spring break is here folks! My dad is out of town in Las Vegas for an Allstate convention, so my mom and I are trying to decide what to do. What comes to mind? Bake cookies!

Although packaged desserts are super yummy, I get a certain joy from baking things from scratch. These are super easy and only take eight minutes to bake!

Start by mixing your ingredients so they go from looking like this...

To this!

Next, you'll want to add the best part - chocolate chips.

Pour in as many as you desire, which for me was the entire bag.

I used Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate baking chips.
Bake them in the oven at 375º and enjoy!

Click HERE for a printable recipe card
Have an awesome spring break my lovelies!

His Biblical Beauty,

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