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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Regionals Music

Hello all! Yesterday was a very busy day for kids in the music program at my high school, including me. I was one of the lucky ones and got to load the bus at 8:15 am, but some kids had to leave at 6:20! We headed to Barton Community College to perform.

I sang at 2 and 4:30 later in the day, so I was there a while. We got Taco Bell for lunch though, so that made it all worth it :)

My solo songs were Danza, Danza Fanciulla Gentile arr. by Durante and The K'e arr. by Dougherty. I received a II rating, which I wasn't quite satisfied with but I still have next year!

The exciting part was when my trio received a I rating and found out we are going to state! We sang Wayfarin' Stranger arr. by Matheny. Jordan, Cameron and I are super blessed to have this opportunity and are looking forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for us at state.

His Biblical Beauty,

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