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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Daughters of the King 2015

Aloha! It may be snowing here but I am eagerly awaiting spring's arrival.

I must share with you about the amazing event that finally happened yesterday. I've been planning Daughters of the King since September. It's a one-day event for middle school girls (5-8 grade) in my area. The idea sprouted from my own hardships in middle school (you can read my full testimony here.) I desperately wanted to help other girls so they didn't have to experience the same things I did. After much prayer and petition, Daughters of the King was born!

This year, the theme was 'Flawless' - centered around our inner beauty found in Christ, Song of Solomon 4:7 and MercyMe's song 'Flawless.' Spending months of organizing small groups, volunteers, decorations, crafts, worship, advertising, speakers, and food, the day finally came.

God has a sense of humor. It hadn't snowed all winter long, and He decided to send a big winter storm our way Friday night into Saturday morning. Everything was ready to go and in its place, just as we had planned (keep in mind I'm a major control freak...something I'm working on.) I was eating breakfast in my pjs at 8:45 am and said to my dad, "Everything is ready and I'm so excited. We've been working non-stop to finish everything but now that it's all done, I feel like we should be doing something."


Twenty minutes later, I found myself panicking and trying to reschedule the entire event from seven hours to fit in a four hour time period. Because of the weather, our pastor decided it would be best if we cut back on time so everyone made it home safely since we had girls coming in from other towns. After two hours of crying, praying, answering phone calls, erasing and rewriting, we finally found the light at the end of the tunnel and got the schedule worked out. Now from 1-5 pm, we were ready to help Jesus change these girls' lives.

A total of 116 girls came along with 8 youth leaders from other churches and 50+ volunteers from our home church. We kicked off the day with worship and the Everything Skit performed by some kids in our youth group.

I spoke for 45 minutes (accidentally going over 20) sharing my testimony, where our source of self-esteem comes from, God's passionate love for us, how our words have power and how we are reflecting Him.

From there, the girls split into three groups with 5th grade doing crafts and eating cupcakes, 6th grade having small groups and 7/8 grade in worship and reflective time. The 5/6 graders flip-flopped halfway through the hour. Then, both groups switched with 5/6 in worship and 7/8 in craft and small group time.
During worship, the band played "Come As You Are" by Crowder. That song brings me to tears every time I hear it! Each girl wrote down a burden she's been carrying on a piece of paper, took it to a cross on the side of the sanctuary and ripped it up into a bowl. It was so neat watching the girls surrender their worries and insecurities to Jesus.

Coming back together at 3:30, my friend Amelia shared about overcoming self-harm and realizing how much she is worth in God's eyes.

We had a video made by teenage boys in our church about their definition of a Godly woman, true beauty, and what they look for in a girl.

After, Susan spoke about her tough times growing up in middle school/high school with kids bullying and harassing her as well as God's perfect plan for our lives.

The girls went back to their small groups to discuss what the speakers had to say, and returned to the sanctuary for worship and closing. The most exciting part of the entire day? One girl made the decision to join the family of Christ and commit her life to Him!! My heart swelled with joy when I heard the news. I hope these girls know their sweet hearts had just as much of an impact on me as I hoped to have on them.

Each girl received a t-shirt, a journal they crafted, a Bible, and a seed planted in their hearts reminding them they are worth so much someone suffered and died for them.

One of my good friends from another part of the state is hoping to put on Daughters of the King at her church this summer. Lord-willing, I'm hoping to make this an annual event with a different topic each year. There is such a need for these girls to hear God's truth, and I want to be the one to help bring it to them. Next years' theme will be purity and modesty. Stay tuned!!

Highlight video:

"You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you." -Song of Solomon 4:7

You are flawless.

His Biblical Beauty,

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