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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Surprise! New Piercings

Let me introduce you to my two new cartilage and my nose! I got them done this past Tuesday when I came home from my mission trip.

I have been begging my mom to let me get my cartilage pierced for about three years, and I guess she finally decided I was of age. In the past few months, I had also expressed an interest in getting my nose pierced which she was completely against. "Not until you're 18 and moved out of the house!" was always the response when I asked. While on my mission trip, several of my LITs (leaders in training) had their noses pierced and I took videos of them telling my mom how much they loved Jesus. Also, I brought to my mom's attention that nose piercings are in fact biblical: Isaac gave Rebekah a nose ring in Genesis 24. I prayed about it and something must have changed her mind because she suddenly agreed to let me get it pierced when I got home!

My friend Abigail also wanted her cartilage pierced, so Abby and her mom Lisa came as well. Where I live, Claire's will not pierce cartilages or noses so you have to go to a tattoo parlor which was a new experience for us! We visited the Elektrik Chair in Wichita and they were fabulous and so friendly!!

Abby and I before we got pierced
I was worried the piercings would be excruciating but they weren't painful at all! I was humming worship songs the whole time to calm me down :) I'm so thankful to my awesome parents who allowed me to get this done! I'm not planning on getting any more piercings. It will be a struggle because I live in such a conservative community; I hope people will accept it and not make comments. I know God delights in a pure heart and looks at the inside of a person, not their outward appearance!!

What piercings do you have? :)

His Biblical Beauty,

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