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Monday, June 30, 2014

Cheer Camp

It's that time of the year again!!! Cheer camp. Before I tell you all the details about camp, let me tell you how I got there...

We flew into the Houston airport on Monday the 23rd. Our flight was supposed to leave at 12, but instead it was delayed for 8 1/2 hours and eventually was canceled! It was one of the worst days I've ever experienced. The first few times was because of the weather, but then they "couldn't find a flight attendant." Although it was very frustrating, I know it happened for a reason. We spent the night and flew out the next morning with no problems. God is good, all the time; all the time, God is good.

Part of the reason I so badly wanted to get home was because cheer camp started on Monday! I got there Tuesday around lunchtime. We reviewed cheers and dances that were taught the first day. On Wednesday afternoon, All-American tryouts were held. My friend Lora and I made it! We had to perform a specific cheer, the dance we learned in a group and our best jump. Then on Thursday our parents and friends came to watch us perform. UCA staffers rated the squads and handed out trophies and various awards. We got the banana, the biggest award of all!!! It was our school's first time to receive the banana :)

Kayla and I

Celebrating the banana

Lora and I

My favorite staffer, Timmy!

Sophomores!! (Kinsley, Ariana, Brityne and I)

My friend Taylor and I

Bailey and I

Our outfits we made for homecoming theme night!

I am so blessed to have these eight beautiful, awesome teammates! Cheer camp was a great bonding experience and I am so excited to see what the future holds for this coming season. A big thank you to our coach, Steph, who dedicated her time and encouraged us all week.

"Rejoice always." -1 Thessalonians 5:16

His Biblical Beauty,

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