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Friday, April 25, 2014


"Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord." -Psalm 127:3

I had an awesome time babysitting for my choir teacher this past month as the singers prepared for the variety show. Levi is such a sweetheart! Here are some of the adventures we had:

Since I don't have a car of my own, my parents would have to drive us from the school to his house after my dance class. He loved our sun roof!

Another night we made lemon bars for my friend Alec's tennis meet the next day. Levi is quite the chef!

Another time we made cookies. He wanted me to take a picture of EVERY SINGLE cookie, so here is a little cookie gallery for you :)

Sometimes we snuggled up and watched Disney movies in our slippers.

We also made cards for the singers and his mom. He's quite the artist!!

I love you Levi! Thanks for the fun memories :)

God bless everyone and all the little children everywhere :)

His Biblical Beauty,

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