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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Substate Basketball

Photo credit to Donna Schadler

Our boys and girls have been ranked #1 in the state all season and we proved it this week!

It all started with substate on Monday, March 3rd at home. That night the boys played Sedgwick and of course, won. Then on Tuesday, the girls played Halstead and dominated as well.

It was so fun to have two more home games before the season ended! We only had six this year, and I was sick for one of them. Soon though, we were on the road again...this time to Marion! 

When we walked into the gymnasium, it felt more like a college arena than a high school gym but we got used to it :)

The second game the girls played in substate was against Hutch Trinity. We were also very thankful to the pep band who came and played at every single game this week!

The boys played Marion, and sadly at their own gym, beat them! We advanced on to the finals...

And WON! We are going to state!!!!!!!!

The Swathers are also very thankful to all the fans who came out and supported us in Marion! We'll see you soon!!

His Biblical Beauty,

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