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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

State Pep Rally

The excitement just keeps growing and growing for state! Today our school hosted an all-district pep rally during school before our game tonight.

Our first game is played by the boys against Wichita Collegiate. It will be tough but I know we will pull through!

Tomorrow night, the girls will play Douglass. Best of luck to the Lady Swathers!

Our awesome superintendent Mr. Becker wished Hesston good luck!

Next, we had the teachers play a relay game which gave us lots of laughs :)

"What's the swather battle cry? V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!"

It was so awesome to see all swather fans, big and small, get pumped up for the game tonight!

Pray for the players and fans as we travel to Hutchinson tonight!!!
His Biblical Beauty,

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