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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Goals, Visions & Dreams: 2016

Hey y'all! Can you believe it's already 2016?! We're five days in and I'm still in awe. The fact that I am about to begin the second semester of my junior year blows my mind. The days are long, but the years are short. I'd like to update everyone on my vision for His Biblical Beauty this year and in the years to come.

I began this blog in January of my freshman year (still can't believe it's been two years!!) It's been a place for me to express my creativity as well as my feelings about faith and relationships. I haven't been very consistent in posting and my content has been a little scatter-brained, but it feels like I am finally starting to narrow down the purpose of my blog and the direction I want it to go.

Looking ahead, the main focus of my blog will center around faith, fashion, lifestyle, and traveling. I'm going to attempt to dive into the world of "vlogging," (YouTubing) and further explore graphic design. Hopefully it will also be a great way to keep my friends and family updated as I transition to college in the next two years! Ultimately in the next ten years, I'd like to make a living off my writing. The main purpose of HBB still remains to glorify God with each and every word that I type, and that will always remain the same.

Thank you for supporting me these past two years!! Writing is a lot more fun knowing that people are reading :)

His Biblical Beauty,

1 comment:

  1. I just started Youtubing last month--it's a fun world, and a fun way to expand my creativity into another realm. I know I still have a LOT to learn about it, though.


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