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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Josh's Graduation

Well it's that time of the year again! Time for pulled pork sandwiches, lots of pictures and emotional goodbyes. It's graduation :)

We are family friends with the Decker's and their son Josh graduated this year. They asked me to decorate KU cookies for his party since that is where he will be attending in the fall. I was so honored!! I love baking and it was exciting to do my first "official" catering job.

My mom also helped out at the party by taking pictures. Josh had tons of yummy food :)

Congratulations, Josh! It's been so much fun getting to know you over the years with our families being friends. I'm excited to see what God has in store for you at college!

Bailey, Josh and I

Josh and I with his cookies

Pray for all your graduates that they will continue to seek the Lord in this new chapter of their life!

His Biblical Beauty,

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